Thursday, February 19, 2009

Baby names

We are having a hard time trying to figure out what to name this little guy that will be coming soon! We have a few names that we like, but we need just one that sticks out! Any suggestions would be great! I have been wanting to add something from my side (my dad) and the name that we came up with is Morrison. It was hard because Dave Morris Abel (my dad's name) does not work so well with my new last name- Davis. I think we might use it as a middle name. I know it probably does not sound perfect with Davis, but I would love to have something from my dad. Please leave your comments!


Janean said...

hmmm.. u could name him morrison abel davis, or u could name him abe. Or Davin which is a form of dave... look up different forms of david, but i do like morrison!
Good Luck

Carina said...

I like Morrison. Much better than Dave Davis. :) I like the idea of having the connection to your dad. You could do it as a middle name, but sometimes those are forgotten. It would be nice to have a strong, memorable, meaningful first name. Go with it!

Coon Family said...

I like Morrison a lot! Here is the test to know if it sounds right and feels good. Yell out Hayden, Morrison come here! If you can picture your self yelling it then it is a go! Best of luck! Can't wait to see him once he is here!

Kirsti said...

I think Morrison Abel would be perfect. It sounds so handsome and would have such special meaning. thanks for the updates!!

Krista and Aaron said...

For sure name him after your dad. He would be so honored.

cameron and brook said...

oh your family is so dang cute. we need to stop by next time we are in utah. miss ya

Bry and Rach said...

it's a tough one! I'll get thinkin. :)

Coon Family said...

Thanks for your hair comment! Your hair always looks good! Even when you were swimming.